Homogeneous Belt | INO USA wave horizontal addon

Reoclean Belts

Zero Elongation


Aramid chords as tension members guarantee “no stretch"

Increased Hygeine


Fully homogeneous TPU eases the cleaning process

Lower Cost


Less maintenance, shorter cleaning times and less water consumption.

REOclean is our brand for homogeneous / monolithic belts. It has been developed by experts in belting and food processing. We deliver complete cutting edge solutions for food conveying and processing. By using the latest materials and unique production processes, this product range helps increase efficiency, lower bacteria counts and save water. The vision is to achieve the highest standards in food safety while lowering the industry’s impact on the environment.

REOclean is an innovative conveyor belt that was originally designed to improve hygiene and lower cleaning cost in industrial food production. The product materials contain no plasticizers and do not contaminate the goods during transport. The cut and abrasion resistant characteristics also make REOclean applicable to many different industrial sectors other than food processing.

REOclean DB (dark blue) line uses the latest polyether based TPU compound, which features both anti-hydrolysis and anti-microbial characteristics, and is able to tolerate extreme temperatures from –40°C to 100°C.

REOclean is a very versatile product. Popular use cases today are in the sub-dividing processes of the meat industry, cheese production, seafood processing, as well as frozen foods handling. Industries like Poultry, Swine, Beef, Cheese, Fish, and Vegetables, but the material characteristics allow for much broader use in other applications as well.

Our REOclean belts are reinforced with aramid cords as tension members and guarantee no stretch. They are the strongest belts in the market!

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