Fabric Conveyor Belts

INFAB wave horizontal addon

The fabric conveyor belts are resistant and impervious to water, oils and other fluids.

Conveyor belts without covers are the best solutions for some of your applications. They provide excellent grip for dough and low friction for accumulation applications and distirbution centers.

INO manufacturers bare fabric belts with different interply thermoplastics, such as PVC, TPU and Hytrel.

Polyolefin belts are specially designed for tobacco processing plants and are approved for use by major tobacco manufacturers. In combustion they do not produce halogens. They are also suitable for food applications and recommended for its release properties.

Polyolefin belts are primarily designed for tobacco because they are pyrolysis compliant, but their great properties also make them ideal for food and other industrial applications.

PVC and TPU belts with no covers. Excellent grip for conveying dough, low coefficient of friction for accumulation applications, plus all the properties of their PVC and TPU core...Like looking under the hood. No covers, just the core.... raw.

Raw 10 PU Grey ER Raw 10 PU Grey ER


BU/2 ER8 - 0+0 PU grey

2 ply bare x bare TPU grey, extra rigid, antistatic and oil and fat resistant

Raw 10 PU Raw 10 PU


BU/2 EM6 - 00+00 PU transp. F AS

2 ply bare x bare TPU. Food approved. Oil and fat resistant. Antistatic

Raw 10 PVC Raw 10 PVC


BV/2 EM8 - 0+0 PVC transp F AS

2 ply PVC, bare x bare. Antistatic. Food approved. Oil and fat resistant

Raw 11 PVC Raw 11 PVC


BV/2 ECF8 - 0+0 PVC beige F 1.8

2 ply PVC with cotton-polyester mix fabrics. Bare x bare. Food approved. Oil and fat resistant

Raw 30 PVC Black Raw 30 PVC Black


Bfab/3 EM 12-00+00 (V) AS BK 2.8mm

3 ply PVC bare by bare black. Antistatic.

Raw 10 PVC White Raw 10 PVC White


Bfab/2 EM 8-0+0 (V) W 1.6mm

2 ply bare by bare PVC. White Interply. Food Approved. Oil and fat resistant

Raw 10C PVC Raw 10C PVC


Bfab/2 EC 8-0+0 (V) W 2.6mm

2 ply bare by bare PVC. Cotton-polyester mix top

Raw 10 PU Blue Raw 10 PU Blue


INFAB BU/2 EM6 - 00+00 PU blue F AS

2 ply bare x bare blue TPU. Food approved. Oil and fat resistant. Antistatic

Wave horizontal white

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